Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rough Times

It has been a rough few weeks in APS land lately. It seems like everyone I know is sick, having a stroke or dying...I really dont have much to say, just needed to put that out there to get it off my chest.

1 comment:

  1. Hi There. This is Carson. You visited my site I know what you mean about sick. I have been in and out of the hospital since Feb 2, been home a week now. I should say "weak now"!! I know it's tough when everything/one around you is going down. It is so wierd for me to be out in the world, like where I work, and everyone is so worried about the most stupid shit. If they could walk in our shoes for a while, they would learn to just shut the F-ck up. Sorry, sometimes cussing is the only way to really express myself. Stop by my blog again, and let's keep a dialog going. -Kindred spirit, Carson.
